is falling downhill
Cracked is getting worse and worse. I used to love going to that site everyday three days ago, and would read even the most boring articles because they would be atleast interesting. I bought You might be a Zombie and other facts. All the Cracked columnist were funny, and I always read them all in short order: Robert Brockway's take on choose your own adventure books,Chris Bucholz hiiilarious interviews, Dan O Briens mischief making, Wayne Gladstone to provide the intelligent humor, Michael Swaim thought-provoking as he is a comedic genius, and Seanbaby is Seanbaby, he invented being funny on the interwebs.
But now, it's changed. Most of the subject matters are starting to repeat themselves, also, I'm starting to see these "Things you thought you knew, but are dead WRONG", which is insulting, because it makes assumption about me I don't like. as I consider myself a knowledgeable person. And there is a focus on war-related subjects over everything else, and "badasses".
The humor style is getting predictable: alot of the less funny contributors depend on the "create a funny picture, with a "funny" caption", a reference to something that only (insert group) fanboys would get, and other of that "look how zany I am" humor that has become predictable for me.
I used to love reading all the cracke columnist. But now, I just read a few: Seanbaby, Robert Brockway, Soren Bowie, and Wayne Gladstone. They still do good stuff that manages to be original, but everyone else is falling off. Daniel O'Brien has fallen downhill, he's turned to being preachy and it's annoying. Every other contributor is just doing the same stuff that's been done before, it's not funny.
The humor is becoming toothless and safe. There used to be alot more insults and writers willing to stick it to their readership, but now, Cracked is trying to please everybody.
The videos are still great and I will be watching Agents of Cracked Season 4, and After Hours is awesome, the only time I see the old DOB.
Maybe it's that I changed, who knows, but I miss old Cracked. Please don't become like Something Awful.
I actually find the "stuff you thought you knew, but are wrong" topics to be very informative. That's actually the main reason why I go to Cracked: to learn lots of trivia as well as a few important things. Thanks to that website, I stopped buying Nesquik because I learned that the company uses child slavery. I also read the topics about "creepy" and "weird" subjects, a recent example being the "serial killers creepier than horror movies" one. I ignore pretty much everything else on the site except the photoplasty contests, and I only check those out because I've got this compulsion to check if any of the entries referenced one of my special interests (I also do the same thing on Cheezburger Network, which saps away a lot of my time since that site is massive).