Jory wrote:
I predict this thread will get lots of replies agreeing with you. Bookstores are Aspie heaven. They're quiet and full of information for us to delve into our special interests. I've alienated potential love interests because my idea of a date was a trip to a bookstore instead of some other much louder and social activity.
i love book shops. especially second hand ones. they're so quiet, dark and they smell nice and the staff at the smaller shops are so nice and helpful. i guess it's because they chose being a book shop owner as their profession so they must have a love of books and the workers because it's not as sterile as working at borders or whatever. i get really excited going to book shops. i start breathing faster, smiling and i feel lighter. my idea of a day out in the city is going to visit every book shop i can find and spending hours in there. in a perfect world where reality did not apply i would be a second hand book store owner and i'd sell predominantly speculative fiction, left wing political texts, comics and the classics.