Burnbridge wrote:
A more prescient question, MrXes, would be: "Do you prefer to vote in a poll that has an inherent bias, or one that is phrased neutrally?"
Sometimes I feel like a lot of the threads here begin with "leading" questions. For instance, I feel like you would get very different responses to a thread that said "how do you walk?" compared to a thread that says "does everyone shuffle when they walk?" By asking shuffling first, it's going to make a lot of people recall times that they shuffled, and say "Yes, sometimes I do shuffle. Huh. Just like everyone else!" Instead of people thinking "hmm...how [b]do[/i] I walk? Do I skip? Do I shimmy? Hmmmm....."
Ohh, a very good point. Subtle changes in language like that can make a massive difference to how people perceive things.