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11 Dec 2011, 1:24 pm

This may sound weird but lately (I'm not sure why) I have been eating food with my tongue...

Example: I put food in my mouth and let my tongue feel it and taste it (Taste buds maybe) and feel its texture before I start to chew the food.

I like to taste the texture of it.. (Spiciness, sweetness, heat, coldness, wateriness, texture..) Before I eat it.

IDK why I started to do this but now it seems like a habit and people look at me like I'm making love to my food or something.... (mouth noises)

Anyways... I know this is weird but I'm wondering what could this fall under in the Autistic Symptoms..

I think my Autism is getting worse lately if that's even possible. Maybe I'm starting to go through a self-realization phase now that I'm getting older I start to notice things I've never noticed before.

-Is wondering whether my intestines are becoming more inflamed- (which it has been to the point where I could feel the pain a lot of times in the past) and I just can't feel it now. I wonder if it could be making my Autism symptoms worse or not..


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11 Dec 2011, 8:08 pm

I do wierd things to sometimes. I don't do that tongue thing, but I could see how if I tried it and liked doing it that I would do it almost every single time I ate, when I was alone. I get focused on doing something odd and will do it constantly for days, or weeks, or months, then suddenly stop.

Make sure you make it a point not to do it when you are eating with anyone around but your family, though. Unless you are doing it in public, I don't see how it could be a problem for you.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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