Beatboxing vicar raps nativity story to Devon churchgoers
Beatboxing vicar raps nativity story to Devon churchgoers
The Rev Gavin Tyte, a part-time vicar in Devon, has attracted thousands of hits on YouTube with his nativity rap
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Steven Morris, Wednesday 14 December 2011 09.13 EST
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The Rev Gavin Tyte, a part-time vicar in Devon, has attracted thousands of hits on YouTube with his nativity rap
The Rev Gavin Tyte's Beatbox Nativity
For many vicars penning their sermons is what gets the creative juices flowing. The Rev Gavin Tyte has gone a little further, producing a rap and human-beatbox version of the nativity story, and a video to go with it that has attracted thousands of hits on YouTube.
Tyte, a part-time vicar in Devon, raps the story of Jesus's birth while providing his own beatbox backing. The video features him playing the part of a shepherd, angel and narrator.
Tyte's beatbox nativity is becoming a seasonal staple. It turned into something of a cult hit when he published his first version last year.
He said: "It seemed to go down well. I had feedback that people wanted a HD version with subtitles so I set about creating a new video that could be played in churches and youth clubs."
The vicar of Uplyme and Axmouth churches has been beat-boxing since the age of eight and was a professional musician before being ordained. The nativity rap combines his two loves — beat-boxing and the Bible.
A couple of lines from his masterpiece? The tender moment when Mary places her baby in a cattle trough is rendered: "No hotel motel custom baby changer, she wrapped the baby up and laid him in a manger." And the angels' message to the frightened shepherds: "Chill out my friends there's no need to trepidation, got a message for the world and it's elation information."