Aspies are half-human and half computer. They are created when a geek who can't get a girl friend mates with a computer. The computer than gets pregnant and gives birth by using telekinesis to synthesis the child. The ratio between male and female aspies is 3:1. This is because only males can mate with computers and computers have a Y and X chromosome, so there is only a one in four chance that they will have two x chromosomes. This gives aspies the remarkable ability to have two Y chromosomes, letting them shoot lasers out of their eyes. The reason Autism is being diagnosed more is obviously because there are more computers, so there is more human-computer relationships. As aspies are half computer they are sort of like robots, as robots are physically awkward and talk in monotones aspies are physically awkward and also talk in monotones. Being half computer aspies are very good at computing and are very logical, but they lack a degree of humor, imagination, and emotions as computers don't have any of those. As metal and flesh don't mix well aspies have many weird sensory problems caused by the bridge between the metal and the flesh. Aspies can also freaking fly using the jetpack built into their feet. They flap as this helps them control their flight and makes taking off easier.
Feel free to add to it, abusing as many offensive and untrue stereotypes and being as ridiculous as you want.