I sang it.and felt like IDIOT
what a thing to do,
when it is ten to two,
In The morning ...in have things to do,
but right now I'm singing this to you...
is this tidings of comfort and joy,
or read you this with a sigh?
me oh me oh me oh my,
what is this strange cry?
it is my voice singing this song,
but something surely has gone wrong...
for I have lost the lyrics in my mind,
and a strange rhythm of some kind,
has crept and leeched upon this note,
and with that I hang up my coat.
and my hat and my scarf and gloves too
and remove me the glasses and my left or right shoe
oh for what a thing to do
at ten to two
for I have things to do
in the morning ,so I beg you,
a goodnight ,a farewell,a cheerio and goodbye,
and without a sigh,
as I'm closing one eye,
a tip of a hat,
on the door a nice sound of rat tat tat tat...
ok you see what escapes the mind of a deranged over tired ,hyperactive girl at 2 am...craziness it is!ok I'll shut up now...or will I ..find out next week on another episode of my illuminated unapologetic alliterated aimless rambling rhyming rants... :/ ok brain...go to sleep...
note:You may refer to me as :she,her...etc
Gender: Female.
The tale of the bus that didnt want me to get on...BUSSSSSSSSS..