snpeden wrote:
I really want that to mean that you have some house-cleaning woodland creatures. Guessing not, though.
Were you in a dorm room or an apartment-like place? I guess in a dorm room I could see laundry being annoying if it wasn't all consolidated...even so though, if you have your own room it'd be pretty impossible for them to notice much less "smell" it. That's just BS.
*edited because I can't read sometimes
Haha, I wish.
I was sharing a bedroom in an apartment.
The ONLY difference was that I had a place to cook at any time of the day/night. (which I need, because I have a seriously challenging diet)
Oh, it's a social whatever life skills rule.
But they did clean checks there. I didn't mind if they checked if it was visibly half of the room was usually spotless a few hours before.
Plus, I think everyone is just jealous that I have that many clothes....they were girls.
Go die in a ditch if you're a b*tch, if you're a jerk, go to work, if you're just mean, flee the scene, and if you're rude, go ahead and intrude because you're probably just like me.