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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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22 Dec 2011, 2:00 pm

I've been up for 28 hours.

Every night for weeks I haven't been able to get back into a normal sleeping pattern, having stayed up late working or researching and then waking up later and later in the day. For the last few days I was only falling alseep at the dawn chorus (around 5 am)!

So yesterday i decided to "get it over with", and I stayed up all night. It was wonderful. It was like I needed it or something. It was so quiet and I came to forgive some people in my life and accept my responsibility in the troubles we've had. I listened to music, had a two hour bath before that.

I had 4 short naps, but that is all.

So wish me luck for tonight! My bed is ready and so am I.. to sleep tonight.

I'll let you know how it goes!


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22 Dec 2011, 2:04 pm

After about 72 hours of being up, you start seeing shadow people.

Try taking antihistamine to sleep.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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22 Dec 2011, 2:51 pm

I guess I am a shadow person because I can top 28 hours awake. Late this past August I got a really bad cold that lasted for over 3 weeks. I was awake for almost the ENTIRE 3 weeks straight. A very few times I got a couple of hours of sleep, but because my sinuses were draining into my throat, I kept hacking, and gagging, and obviously couldn't sleep while doing that. My menthol cough drops were almost useless, and I didn't have any antihistamines at home. Because of lack of sleep, it wasn't safe for me to drive to the store to get better cold rememdies, and I hate going to doctors, so I didn't go. Besides, I didn't think the cold would last that long. I kept taking mega doses of Vit C, and water with Airborne cold and flu lozenges dissolved in them.--No luck. I also ended up with the worst case of laryngitis I have ever had, that started fairly early in the cold, and lasted for weeks after the cold was over. My voice was raspy for weeks after, and I think there has been a permanent change in it. I am going to stock pile cold rememdies next time I go to Wally World, but because of my other health problems I have only been able to go as far as the local mini mart so far since then.

My father kept driving me nuts while I was sick, by calling me up every day and insisting that I talk to him, in spite of my laryngitis, and in spite of the fact that his hearing isn't what it used to be. He kept complaining that he couldn't hear me, so I should talk louder. AAAAAHHHHH!! !! ! On the plus side, a couple of times he came over and brought some cold medicines. Unfortunately, I should have asked for ones with antihistamines in them. My mistake. You can bet I will get antihistamines when I stock up!

Keep rested and keep well, and remember, we on the spectrum are all:

A Different Drummer

If a man does not keep pace with his companions,
Perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears,
However measured or far away.

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22 Dec 2011, 3:12 pm

I've been up for something like 60 hours; kind of long, but I know a lot of people have stayed up longer. I was eleven. I was on a camping trip and I had already been taking sleeping medication for a little over six months, but they were relatively weak and the people next to us were obnoxious. Plus, we don't camp very often so I wasn't used to it. Now, 4.5 years later, I take a lot more sleeping medicine and couldn't do it again unless I was off of it... which will never happen.


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22 Dec 2011, 3:58 pm

I was up for two days recently, which brought me back to the days when I had really hardcore insomnia. These days I get about four hours of sleep every night, but there was a time when I absolutely could not sleep at all. You start blacking out after about 36 hours, no shadow people for me though.


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22 Dec 2011, 10:56 pm

questor wrote:
I was awake for almost the ENTIRE 3 weeks straight.

holy cow i thought my 5 days straight was good.

op: enjoy your sleep tonight. im sure you'll black out as soon as you hit the pillow.


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22 Dec 2011, 11:01 pm

About 8 hours sleep this week so far. I doze off for 20 minutes then wake and can't sleep again. The big downside is you feel listless and have to really push yourself to get things accomplished.


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22 Dec 2011, 11:27 pm

There was one time at the beginning of last summer that I stayed awake for 26 hours. It was a very bad night for me. I would have gotten to bed at a decent time, if I didn't get bad vibes from my mum earlier on, that evening.

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23 Dec 2011, 5:28 am

Keep going man! You'll hit a sweet point at around 41 hours where you feel fine, I usually start hallucinating just after that too. The best remedy for drowsiness is strong coffee and a good game, do you happen to own Skyrim?