He hypnotized us approx 8-16 times (changed who decided tp participate sometimes, and was always late at night so no exact number)
He had a long induction script that he used, slightly modified off of some sight. Escalator to a bed, or stairs to a garden, there was one having to do with a rainbow.
One thing (or 2 i guess) that is said over and over but is only 95% true: You would not do something that you feel is immoral or that you would not normally do and that you are always in control. If the hypnotist told you that you had a three year old son (and you believed it and everything) and the person over there took him. You would get aggressive might even hit them. you wouldn't normally do that but the hypnotist made it morally acceptable. One person when he got hypnotized looked zombiefied he would do ANYTHING that he was told to do (we didn't have him do anything bad or that would be mean). Someone jokingly said that he was a girl and he almost took off his pants to prove he wasn't. If he was told to sleep while standing he would collapse, if no one caught him he would have hit his head really hard on the ground.
Me and him got hypnotized enough times that we jokingly tried to hypnotize ourselves one night... and it worked. Just stared at our middle finger and get sleeper the closer it gets to your forehead until your finger touches your forehead and you fall asleep