artrat wrote:
When I was a small child I had very similar thoughts to history's great philosophers.
It was original to me at the time. Most 4 year olds never question the existence of everything including themselves.
I have come up with some very original humor and jokes that many people find very funny..
One could argue that humor is just as important to society as a new invention.
I am probably stranger than most other people on earth including aspies.
I have daydreams of starting a revolution that will once a for all overthrow the American empire and the whole damn capitalist system.
I am in the process of inventing my own relegion. It will be based on the beliefs of the native americans. Their beliefs make the most sense to me.
My plan is to write some sort of manifesto and hell if I know where to go from there.
That's what I'm saying!.. A major formula for humor/jokes is pointing out the logic in.. everything from ridiculousness, to everyday things.. a trait that people on the spectrum ALREADY have!..
I've always found people/things funny, and pointed it out.. God knows I need to work on my stage presence for doing so, but.. anyways..
As far as the Native American religion thing.. I'm part native, and have lived on my reservation/been involved with them alot.. and they STILL make no sense to me, heh.. so yeah, no.. I don't feel ya on that one.
I think I've seriously under-explained my over-explaining.
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