The international chaffing competion
Yes, I'm doing this backwards. Instead of several narrow focuses progessing to a single broad focus, I thought I'd start with a single broad focus and progress to several narrow focuses.
Now, before any competion can begin, there are several ingridents needed:
1.An idea of what the competion/contest is about
4.Criteria on which to judge
Viewer input is extremely welcome, however, the judges do have the final say.
There are a few ways of getting judges
.Randomly chosen
Your choice.
So what is chaffing? defines it as:
To make fun of in a good-natured way; tease.
v. intr.
To engage in playful teasing. See Synonyms at banter.
Good-natured teasing; banter.
If we look at banter, we get:
1. an exchange of light, playful, teasing remarks; good-natured raillery.
–verb (used with object)
2. to address with banter; chaff.
–verb (used without object)
3. to use banter.
So from that we can see its a bones/spock type thing.
The teasing MUST be good-natured, i.e. no harm is meant, it's just friendly ribbing.
Try to be creative
Please bear in mind the focus of the contest - this is international so its well...yeh...acrooss various countries.
It is not to do with race, sex or religon, merely the country. This applies even if the country does tend to focus on one religon. This tends to offer too much provaction.
Insults about someone's family are barred as this subject tends to offer too much provaction.
If you use a barred subject, YOU will be disqualified.
If however, you merely don't make into the next level, you may be eligible for a 'joke' level.
Who says we don't have a sense of humour?
So judging criteria:
.Is it good-natured?
.How creative is it?
.Does it take into account the fact that its international?
.Has it been used before?
.Where have they got it from?
.Or is it their own?
((And any others you can suggest.))
To ensure it is free from baisis, judges may only enter in an 'unofficial' capcaity, that is they can post things but well, feel free to ignore them. We can't have them judging themselves, now can we?
Unless you want some reserve judges that will judge the judges. :-/
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