madbutnotmad wrote:
if the people of the world could overcome their minor differences in socio-political and religious beliefs
to unite humanity with the purpose of bringing peace to the world, to eradicate poverty, to create equality and perhaps even to overcome monetary systems perhaps by employing automated and in some cases robotic systems to free the human race from the burden of conventional employment for income, leaving the human race to pursue their special interests, whether creative, intellectual or spiritual.
That, to me, would be the ultimate future, where the human race no longer fought over territory, were unified as one people no matter what colour, nationality or creed, so that each and every one of the inhabitants of planet earth has a long, peace loving and rich life of love, friendship and happiness.
That to me would be the coolest.
Although i guess i will have to leave such a dream to the fantasy writers and the visionaries.
Alas, we live in a world far too ignorant for such a dream to ever be realised.
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Your dream is already a reality among Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide...At present time, due to the pandemic, you may not be able to visit one of their kingdom halls...However, you may access--with an open-mind--their official website: JW.ORG...Check it out