basically.... your mood can apparently affect how you interpret neutral faces. a neutral face may appear negative to a depressed person and positive to a cheerful person. did you find that this was true for you?
Researchers assemble a series of photos showing various facial expressions: sadness, fear, happiness, and "neutral" . They present them slide-show fashion to a group of people, asking them to identify the expressions. "Normal" people identify the expressions predictably. But cheerful people see the faces through rose-tinted glasses: They are much more likely to judge neutral expressions as the face of happiness. So even in a grey world, the cheerful personality finds reason to smile and wave. Everyone else is happy, too!
Quirk: Brain Science Makes Sense of Your Peculiar Personality by Hannah Holmes
In conclusion, it seems that clinical depression does not affect the recognition of happy and sad faces as much as it affects the recognition of neutral faces. So far, researchers have been primarily interested in studying the effects of depression on the processing of emotional instead of neutral facial expressions. The present study was based on earlier findings suggesting that healthy subjects recognize neutral faces in the same way that they recognize other facial expressions (i.e., categorically), but that depression may impair this ability. Consistent with this hypothesis, it was shown that healthy subjects recognized neutral faces as accurately as prototypical facial expressions of happiness and sadness, while depressed patients showed a clear impairment in the recognition of neutral facial expressions. This impairment was also evident during symptom remission. Together, these results support the hypothesis that depressed individuals may interpret emotionally neutral social cues as emotionally meaningful
Depression biases the recognition of emotionally neutral faces by Jukka M. Leppa¨nena et al ... search.pdf
(i used a picture of a non-human "face" because it seems like different people's faces have variable and unintentional emotions when they are supposed to seem neutral)
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