I have a few tattoos; my neck, my back, my arm, my wrist and my calf. And some piercings as well; two in my lip, a few in my ears, my tongue, my septum, two in my eyebrow, my nipples and a few that have been retired. And related but not quite the same, I've also done a pulling and would love the chance to do it, or maybe a suspension, again.
I know what you mean, Wolfheart, about it being a rush. The anticipation leading up to it, the feeling of calm that washes over me when it's done. I love the experience of getting one just as much, if not more than, actually having them.
I've also found that they give me a certain amount of confidence, especially when it comes to my appearance. Which is odd, considering that they actually make me less appealing to most people.
If life's not beautiful without the pain,
well I'd just rather never ever even see beauty again.
Well as life gets longer, awful feels softer.
And it feels pretty soft to me.
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