To ease stress? Or just out of pure laziness?
People complain to me that I'm turning myself into a caveman, by doing this stuff and that they are worried about me turning into a plant. But I'm always finding myself lacking time by being busy on the internet all day. I can get more gain of social contact by doing something on the internet rather than going outside and talk to people. I personally get out during the week to go to work and I don't find myself socializing/hanging out a lot with my co-workers because their lifestyle and morals are way different than mine. Despite joking around with these people and having fun times, I can't seem to connect myself with these people, they don't really tickle me in any sort of way. I feel like the people in my local area just aren't good enough for me to socialize with. Many of them just don't understand me or have way too different opinions and visions than mine. I'm not saying I don't need friends, but I find it difficult to spot people that actually interest me and where I can actually have a social connection with. On the internet, it all goes way easier for me because you get exposed to much more people and you can easily reach one to contact with just one simple click. This whole "the internet is for smelly loners" is just total bull. The internet is also way easier for me because you get way fewer sensory/anxiety issues when you're trying to contact the people compared to real life. Don't know if I'm actually making sense here but what the heck.