DanRaccoon wrote:
Why do I view religion as the rabid animal in the corner...
I have no problem with religion, not even religions different than what I believe in. I have no problem with people not being religious at all. I only have a problem with people who try to force their religion on others. I also have a problem with people who can't seem to understand the simple differences between not having school faculty led prayer and kids praying on their own (the first one is illegal, the second one isn't) and the difference between telling somebody that they cant hang a Ten Commandments plaque in their courtroom and that they can't believe or follow them anymore. In the town I live in, people don't get the difference at all. They pass out Bibles in school, every court session and school event is opened by someone other than the staff there, everything closes early on Wednesday and is closed all day on Sunday so that people can go to church. I know that 99.9 % of the town is fun. prot. evang., but I think they are taking things a little too far.
As for school prayer, it's legal to pray anywhere you want, at any time. It's not legal to disrupt others to do it though. Those who want school prayer only want a specific type of school prayer. Of the Christian religion and the fund evang denominations. They would go postal if school prayer came back and a teacher led the kids in the Rosary every morning, or an Act of Contrition.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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