I am a noncomformist---by being the person I am, not by trying to be a noncomformist. There have been times that I have tried to fit in, but that just isn't me---and I'm tired of trying to be who I am not. So, since I was officially diagnosed with Asperger's in 2008, I decided to be who I am---and that's that.
In years past I often did things that I didn't want to do---such as go to a wedding reception because others went. But not anymore---unless it's someone really close. If it makes me uncomfortable---I ain't doing it. At my job earlier this week, I was asked to go on a trip with a certain group. I didn't want to go, so I said no. I later found out the only reason I was asked to go was to knock another person out of going that the rest of the employees didn't want to go. So, I was being used. I didn't really think I was being asked out of popularity---I maintain a low profile at my job.
When I was asked to take over as church organist at a conservative Methodist church nearly 10 years ago, I accepted because I wanted to. But, I went into the position not by playing the music the church was accustomed to, but by playing the gospel songs the way I wanted to. I play them with excitement in a more jazzy and faster style. It turns out the congregation loved my music, and I have been the organist ever since. The first pastor I played under loved my music. Then he left after being led elsewhere. The second pastor (who is there now) also loves my music. But he has just been reassigned. We are getting a new pastor in a few weeks. I don't have a good feeling about the new minister---although I have no idea who it's going to be. I just have a feeling. I don't believe he/she will like my music. And you know what---I will refuse to bend if this new pastor doesn't like it. That's just the way I am on certain things. I must remain comfortable. If something isn't fun for me (that I do for free such as the organ---I am not paid although I am a professional musician) I will not do it.
I have realized I am a noncomformist in many ways. Perhaps having autism makes me this way. I have always tended to do things my way---although I have tried to fit in with certain things.
I just wanted to post this because this has been on my mind, and I wanted to share it. Perhaps others of you have similar things to relate.
"My journey has just begun."