Something to Believe in (Spiritism)
Hello, I don't know if it is just me or if it is this way for many aspies but my entire life my family tried to raise me christan but no matter how hard I tried to believe I just couldn't do it. Not only can I not accept the fact that if you don't believe in a supernatural being you go to hell end of story I found it hard to believe in a one world theology that says we, on this tiny earth, is all that have life out of the extreme vasts of the universe. I spent time trying to discover what I believed in until I found the beliefs of Spiritism. I was an instant believer. I am a very logical person and I tend to believe anything that tries to say proven science is all wrong then I can't believe in it. With Spiritism it does not go against science it goes right with it and explains things that science has not or can not. It is based on the beliefs that we are all spirits within vessels and that once we die we go to an astral plane and later can be reincarnated. Now the basis of this belief is based on karma and that we, in this life and the next, go through everything in order to perfect our selfs and gain wisdom of vast quantities. Our main goal is to learn and to help others through what we have learned. Now there is much more to it than I could possibly explain here but if you have found it difficult to believe in something I highly reccomend you research Spiritism/spiritualism. It explains all phenominons science has not and has been proven over hundreds of years by many people in many cultures. It is the basis of astral projecting, which has been scientifically proven and occurs every time we dream. And seeing as spiritism states that we are continuously trying to learn think about this, everytime you dream you are presented with a challange that you usually must overcome and often failure results in your death within the dream (Depending on the dream).
~I fall so smoothly that the ground moves from beneath me~