Here's what you do. Find out what size shoe he wears or just guess. As long as you are within a couple of sizes it's ok. Go to the store and buy a pair of the more expensive odor eaters. If you can get the kind that are cushiony or gel filled there is a better chance he will try them. Next time you see him say "Oh hey, wait, I wanna know if you want this..." and go to your room and get them. Say "My Mom (or whoever) got these for me and she got me the wrong kind. I would have thrown them out but they are the good kind. Not only do they keep your feet from stinking, they feel so good to stand on. Put them in and then stand on them, you'll feel like you want to run or something!"
Be enthusiastic about them. Notice the other kinds there that are just as good and find a similar but slightly different type and say you wanted that kind, or if he wears a size thats very far from yours you can just say she got the wrong size, if he asks what kind you wanted instead which he may not ask at all. Play up the part about how they feel so good and so neat. Talk about how you were just blown away the first time you wore them and how you like them in all your shoes now. If you play it just right he will take his shoes off and put them in right then. It won't help the smell immediately, but it will help soon.
If he's resistant to putting anything in his shoes because he doesn't like how they feel, etc, then it's time to say nicely "Look dude, I like you and all and I enjoy hanging out with you and I didn't want to say anything about it but you got some stinky feet. I can smell them from way over here!" and say it in a way like you are busting on him in a nice way like guys sometimes do their friends with those teasing insults that are true. He probably won't get offended because he's a guy and guy's feet do smell. He may smell them himself but think that nobody else can. My husbands feet stink to high heaven sometimes and when they do I tell him straight out. "Oh God your feet! Put those shoes outside and go wash your feet in the tub right now! Put some powder or something on them after." and then the next time I'm out I get him odor eaters, foot powder and spray. If it's not dark out, I go to Wal Mart right then and get it because I'm not putting up with that. He's never gotten offended.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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Last edited by OliveOilMom on 03 May 2012, 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.