Dillogic wrote:
DogsWithoutHorses wrote:
Are you a trans* man who has given birth before transitioning or are you just gleefully expounding from a place of ignorance?
No, I'm expounding facts.
Envenomation from a box jellyfish is probably the most painful experience one can go through.
Here's a quote from a woman who's been through both:
"It's like when you're in labor, having a baby, and you've reached the peak of a contraction—that absolute peak—and you feel like you just can't do it anymore. That's the minimum that [Irukandji] pain is at, and it just builds from there."
Thanks for answering my question, ignorance it is.
Anecdotal evidence is not fact.
You have no personal experience that can address either question the OP asked.
In any case, as lostgirl said pain is relative and is an individual experience.
Didn't they used to twilight you or something in the 50's? Probably awful, but that sounds nice.
I wish there really was a stork.
If your success is defined as being well adjusted to injustice and well adapted to indifference, then we don?t want successful leaders. We want great leaders- who are unbought, unbound, unafraid, and unintimidated to tell the truth.