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22 Jul 2011, 8:36 pm

Does anybody feel like they talk too much? I feel like i start talking to much and go completely crazy afterwards.


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22 Jul 2011, 9:17 pm

I'm somewhat of an all or nothing person when it comes to talking. Prepare to be avalanched or stared at silently.


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22 Jul 2011, 9:41 pm

I can talk and talk to myself for hours, honestly....or be absolutely quiet.

Like, I had a 15-mile run where I was talking and laughing and singing pretty much the whole time, and I was completely silent on a 8 mile one...(oh, running is when I talk to myself).

If I get an idea, I express it, if I don't, I don't. It's as simple as that.

Some people might find me annoying, but I really don't care. If you wanna hang with someone who talks incessantly or is quiet, then it is your choice.


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22 Jul 2011, 9:44 pm

hell yeah I love doing that then I get home and realize that the idea was terrible and that i shouldn't never think of an idea like that again.


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22 Jul 2011, 10:02 pm

I talk too much as well. I talk about everything and anything that's on my mind. I really need to learn to know when to talk and know when to keep quiet.

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23 Jul 2011, 9:11 am

I rarely talk at all, but if someone mentions a subject I'm interested I suddenly get a burst of enthusiasm and begin going on a long winded conversation.....mostly with myself. I did this the other day at work regarding vehicles and how they're more than just an object to get you from point A to point B and some of the people just looked at me as if I was speaking in Russian.


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23 Jul 2011, 11:16 am

I only talk too much online. irl, not so much. :pig:

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23 Jul 2011, 8:57 pm

Lots said I talked to much when I was a kid & some still say that but lots also say I don't talk much & that trying to get me to talk is like pulling rusty nails out of cement. I'm shy & NOT good with small-talk chit-chat but I tend to ramble a lot when I get started talking about something. So basically I talk too much or too little

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24 Jul 2011, 5:58 am

I talk to myself in my room too much for hours sometimes! But sometimes when talking to someone I talk about Billy Idol too much! Of course for me it`ll never be too much!

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03 Jul 2012, 12:59 am

I talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer too much lol I can never get too much Buffy!! !!

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03 Jul 2012, 2:38 am

I talk so much that the nickname my peers gave me when I was a child was "Chatterbox". Also, whenever I lose my voice due to illness, my parents joke that they can finally get some peace and quiet. :lol:

I also type a lot, given the fact that when other WP members quote my posts, they will do so in chunks.


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03 Jul 2012, 2:43 am

MudandStars wrote:
I'm somewhat of an all or nothing person when it comes to talking. Prepare to be avalanched or stared at silently.


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04 Jul 2012, 3:51 am

When someone tips off to a topic I am very interested in or know a lot about, I can feel my excitement build up and I start talking at 1,000 miles an hour. Even if I'm self-aware enough at the time to see what I'm doing I usually still cant control my speed speech. However, bring up something neither interesting nor I'm knowledgeable about and I quiet down real quick. It's weird to think there are a lot of people in this world who think I'm next to mute and another chunk that thinks I talk too much. Although most people I know these days fall into acquaintance territory so I appear more normal-ish/quirky and neither talk too much nor too little.


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04 Jul 2012, 5:01 am

I talk way too much and i always say sorry for it :x


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04 Jul 2012, 5:51 am

MudandStars wrote:
I'm somewhat of an all or nothing person when it comes to talking. Prepare to be avalanched or stared at silently.


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05 Jul 2012, 1:06 pm

I talk to myself all day long, but I go silent around actual people--unless they're talking about knitting.