I don't believe in coming back as another person with this same brain (I hope not anyway!), I just believe that everybody comes back as something else but don't know that their current life now was their past life in their new life, if you know what I mean. So basically it is not the ''next you'', but it's just a shortened phase.
But anyway, if you could choose who you'd want to be in your next life (God knows why the person I was before chose to be me!! !), what type of person would you be? I'd ask to come back as maybe another female, with a naturally tanned skin, still British, and dark hair and brown eyes and really pretty even without make-up, and about 5 foot 5 and very slim, and most important of all - a confident neurotypical who will always be popular and have a normal social life. And as healthy as I am in this life. And generally happy in myself.
What would you be?