Where do your personnal monsters live ?
This is an odd question. It came from a random realization I had recently, when I considered all the recurring Nightmares (or Daymares) I have as a group and not individually. The first thing I realized was that nearly all my recurring imaginary monsters live in specific states of my conciousness.
The three basic states of conciousness are:
Half-Dream State
Dreams - My monsters come in nightmares of course. As a child I was chased by a variety of monsters from Godzilla to The Creature of the Black Lagoon. But as an adult, recurring ones have become limited to evil versions of spiritually powerful people. The main ones being Witches and Warlocks.
Half-Dream State - This is kind of the twilight between awake and asleep and normally occurs during the transistion from one to another. Nightmares occurring at these times are generally the most frightening ones to me, because you can be aware of actual things around you or bodily sensations and it can seem more like reality to me. The worst version of this is being able to look around and see your actual surroundings, but have the dream part superimposed, and being unable to either move or speak. For me, this half awake - half asleep region is the domain of the baddest monsters of all, the Demons. Periodically even the Big Tamale of evildom makes an appearence here. 'And now... all the way from Las Vegas! Let's give a big round of applause to.... THE DEVIL!'
Wakefullness 1 (House Monster) - Imaginary scares occur when awake, often at night or in a scary location like a graveyard. With mine I noticed that the two different monsters that recurr in these frights have actually divided up the state by location, so I have had to come up with two different names: House Monsters and Field Monsters. When I get frightened in or in the immediate environs of my home, I can bet on it being a Vampire.
Wakefullness 2 (Field Monster) - If I am out away from the house, typically the woods or near a scary location and have a imaginary scare it will almost always be a Zombie, or actually a bunch of Zombies.
I haven't really made much of what this signifies, if at all, and mainly just find it curious. I do wonder if I can use this knowledge to my advantage against the imaginary creatures my mind seems to take pleasure terrorizing myself with. For instance, next time I have to go out in the back yard in the pitch black, what if I purposely thought about Rodan. Would my mind be confused and instead of pumping out a lurking vampire, spit out some harmless bunny rabbits ?
It would be interesting however, if anyone else upon reflection, sees any pattern in their own Bugbear's visitation arrangements ?
I notice my imagination plays tricks with me when I'm running on trails in the woods when it is near dark and every shadow or noise is amplified in my mind. I wonder if I might run into a blood thirsty group of cannibals or a rabid pack of animals what I might do. It is good motivation to keep moving along.
Most of my nightmares involve being trapped and trying to escape, more than monstrosities and entities. I suppose you could say I lack imagination towards that end.
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My personal monsters live on the side walks and I see them between 7:30 and 8:30 in the morning and again between 2 and 3 in the afternoon. I'm very likely to see them in the school zones of middle schools and high schools. They also live in the hidden areas between 1988 and today. They're better known as teenagers who are a part of mainstream society.
The Family Enigma
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None, actually.
The reoccurring dream I have of a specific monster really isn't about the monster, rather inevitability.
Outside of dreamland, they don't exist (even if your brain makes you see them, like Schizophrenia). Unless you want to call naturally occurring animals (people included) monsters.
Most of my nightmares involve being trapped and trying to escape, more than monstrosities and entities. I suppose you could say I lack imagination towards that end.
Those are quite similiar to my experiences. I read a few times now in articles on imaginary frights, that your mind makes up the scary thoughts out of boredom, and as a revolt against tedium. I can believe that in certain instances but don't think that explains all the cases. For one thing imaginary frights usually occur at night or low light settings when visability is poor and you can not see what all is around you. Also, it is often some external trigger that starts the train of thought (like a snap of a twig, a sudden draft). This seems mainly like a normal fear response to me, and probably part instinctive from the days when real dangers/predators stalked the woods.
Being trapped (usually in a collasped building) was once my most frequent recurring nightmare. I must of had it 100 times. It started when I entered the military and lasted until I left active duty. I occasionally half woke up and would go mobile trying to climb out of the rumble. It was my only period of something like sleep walking and would only end when I finally reached a lighted area. The worst was when I almost gelded myself trying to escape from the top bunk in a military barracks. I don't really know, but have guessed it was due to the constant moving around, rarely living in one place very long, and not recognizing where (or when) I was when waking. Some of my room-mates found it amusing.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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I always have the feeling something scary is lurking by the window at night, I can't deal with darkness any more, so I have a small light, which seems to help a lot. Open (or, indeed, half-opened) windows or doors (mostly those that lead to the outside) at night scare the hell out off me, I always think the creepy lurking thing will come through them. I've read somewhere that little girls are usually afraid of things from below (beast under bed) because women used to sleep in trees, and little boys are afraid of things in the room/by the window, because men used to sleep on the ground. I've never had a beast-under-bed problem, but always a creepy thing in room/by window problem... I'm pretty sure that this is a BS theory anyway, though.
My personal monsters live in any openings in plumbing like drains and faucets, even storm drains. I usually see them if I'm anywhere near a bathroom, kitchen, or I know there's a storm drain nearby when I'm between sleep and wakefulness.
"Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat." - Mark Twain
Before I was forced to take medicine, I rarely had nightmares. The only one I remember was one where a demon that looked like cherabog turned me into a donkey... must have had disney on the brain. After I was forced to take medicine, school was the usual monster of the dream realm. I would dream that I would get up, beligerently trudge through my morning routine, have a soul-crushingly boring day at school, and be on my way home when I would wake up and think "please don't make me go through all that again! I had that dream a lot. After middle school, when my relationship with my parents began to brake down, my nightmares usually involved my parents, or occasionally a schoolteacher. I would re-live whatever it is I feel that person has said/done to make my waking life a living nightmare or dream that they would give up on me and pull what accommodations they do give me. I guess my mind can't come up with anything scarier than my waking life.
Except of course that one nightmare where I had to fight the crazy balloon man from Cowboy Bebop. Now THAT was scary!
Also, bears and big cats occasionally attack me in my nightmares
Once I woke up and saw a demonic entity on my chest. It jumped off into the darkness. But as it looked like something from a video game I had played (and was dreaming about just before I woke up) I assumed this a textbook case of sleep paralysis.
While walking around the house late at night I often imagine a creature lurking in the dark, an extremely hairy quadruped. Kind of like a cross between a big cat and a REALLY shaggy bear, But with an alligator-shaped head full of HUGE teeth and a stouter tail than big cats have. When I look out the window late at night I imagine a white, hag-like spirit with extremely long hair all over the place flying up to the glass out of the darkness and letting out an earsplitting scream, scaring the crap out of me. El chubacabra and Mothman occasionally peer in the windows late at night... well, at least in my mind. In the early hours of the morning, just after the sun has risen but before anyone has woken up or just after everyone has left for school/work and I'm alone in the neghborhood, I look out the window and fear a hairy, apelike giant, often not unlike an extra-tall sasquatch with claws, strolling into view, looking in the window and seeing me, and trying to break in to get to me. In the afternoon I sometimes imagine a large grizzly bear behaving similarly... I guess hairy things afear me.
Once in a dream I was fighting some mofiosi and backed into a coat closet for cover. They backed off when I did this, like I was done for now, and walked back down the stairs. I was confused at first, but then I felt something wrap around me. feather boas, headless snake stuffed animals, stuffed horizontal striped stockings, and all sorts of other long cloth things wrapped around me and began to squeeze. I felt it getting tighter and tighter. I turned to look into the bathroom that was accessed from the coat closet (dream architecture. not questioning it.) and there was something sticking out of the floor. it looked like... a doll head. It turned, not slow or fast, but at a fairly moderate speed and looked at me. The head was made of tan cloth with pigtails of yellow yarn asymmetrically positioned on the sides of it's head, lopsided button eyes, and an X-stitch frown. These things wrapped around me where it's tentacles, running through the floor and walls and draped down through the ceiling of the coat closet. Through I had never seen anything like it, I knew exctly what it was called. The constricter doll. It's malevolence was palpable. I could feel the evil radiating from it. But it was not passionate evil. It was indifferent evil. The doll did not want to kill me, and it didn't not want to kill me. It didn't want anything, didn't feel anything. Killing is just what it did, what it existed to do. That was the worst part. The malicious apathy]/i]. As I felt the doll tighten it's coils, I had to make a choice. The shotgun I was using had spontainiously turned into a bayonet rife (that kind of thing happens a lot in my dreams) and I could either stab the doll's head, or try to cut it's tentacles, but I had to act fast, because before long the doll's coils would be too tight for me to move, and if I chose wrong, it would be too late to try the other. I stabbed the doll in the head, and it's head fell through the hole in the floor it was peeking out of. It's tentacles loosened and retracted into the ceiling. But I knew it wasn't dead. I could still feel it's evil. I woke up, and noticed my blanket was wrapped WAY to tight around me. heh.
For the next few days, the doll was rarely out of my thoughts for long. I began writing a poem explaining it's backstory. I imagined it's method of attack is it gets into the walls of a house, pokes holes in the ceiling, walls, or floor for it's head and tentacles, and waits for a victim to come by. While I was thinking about it and walking into the kitchen, I heard a loud crack and something fell from the ceiling right in front of me. My first thought was "Oh crap it's real!" But one of the plastic panels that covers the florescent lights in our kitchen had broken and fallen. No evil dolls where involved.
So the constrictor doll has haunted every state of my consciousness.
At least it's not the crazy balloon man from [i]Cowboy Bebop.
For some reason I am often the monster in my dreams. Not always but often.
Last edited by Rascal77s on 13 Sep 2012, 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
There seem to be two stages in particular during a child's development that can be quite difficult for anyone to handle and which a parent can understandably fear: The toddler stage around 2-3 and seven full years as a teen.
Insurance companies, credit card companies, Identity thieves, Terrorists, government agencies enslaving us in the name of fighting terrorists.
Those are my daytime monsters.
Even at night.. My nightmares are all rather mundane- like finding myself being in school again and having too big a course load and failing exams, or being a new driver and clipping the fender of a parked car and worrying that my Dad ( now 20 years dead) is going to kick my ass.
Where do you find the time for all of these fanciful type "monsters"?