bleh, mixed bag. Could have been better, but could always have been worse.
-First "real" girlfriend (no, didn't have imaginary ones before this.... but that's not a bad idea!)
-lost v-card (Only good because people will stop giving me s**t about it. Sex isn't that bad either, though I'm still pretty indifferent about it. That still confuses my male friends.)
-got strange sense that some people I know respect me, others maybe even look up to me.
-Enjoyable class on transpersonal psychology (The prof was amazing. Simply amazing.)
-Started getting into better shape
-Got a tattoo finally, and I really like it
-Jared Leto makes good music and good music videos
-Girlfriend (now ex-girlfriend) was a b***h, and broke up with me by going home with some random guy at a party, then telling me off because she assumed it was over long before that. (Good to know, would have appreciated being told it was over...)
-Got really wasted one night, blacked out, and then had a nervous breakdown... in front of several friends
-Same as above, but no black-out, and the people that saw were far less in number, and I didn't mind as much because of who they were
-Shattered a trash can with a bokken during above (Bad, but it felt really good at the time)
-Apparently really pissed off / disturbed / something else? person I'm (or was, idunno) interested in (during blackout situation), so now current situation is awkward at best (lives pretty damn close, being around her is inevitable)
-Had to listen to a friend apologize for sleeping with person from previous. (Long story, we'll leave it at that)
-Migraines came back
-Spent a week, nearly two, drunk as hell due to depression. Something like 16 of 18 days I was drunk, often before 2pm. Didn't really wake up early either.
(That's enough bad, list goes on, but I'm tired of rattling them off.)
Really bad:
-Friend got in a car wreck, still in a coma. No word on whether that's ever going to improve.