I don't know if it's coincidental, but I have a friend who's Indian, grew up eating vegetarian, was 5'7 and under 130lbs. He started working out, especially squatting and deadlifting, and eating more meat, he's 6 feet now. So 5'7 to 6 feet in a year at 21. It's possible he'd have grown without, but I doubt it'd have been that drastic. The heavy squats and whatnot increase growth hormone, so they actually will add muscle throughout the whole body, caloric surplus=growth. Now, you can't guarantee a height increase, but if you've been underfed and not done exercises to facilitate HGH release, it's possible doing that would make you taller if your genetics allowed for it.
Other factors affecting height growth is actually stress, too, in the form of cortisol. Cortisol affects bone density, so excess caffeine and stimulants turn on your adrenal glands and increase cortisol, thus caffeine "stunting growth." (Ironic Jesus said "Who by worrying can increase his height?") Lastly, higher bodyfat is better for height growth, too. Not fat fat, but staying forever in single digits I don't believe is healthy for someone wanting to grow. The reason a lot of gymnasts remain short isn't so much their exercise, it's simply them not eating enough because they wanna retain a low bodyfat/stay smaller. You need a healthy level of bodyfat to grow as it's something to do with the hormone leptin. I read a story of two twin brothers, one was a gymnast and the other a swimmer. The swimmer grew like 6 inches taller than the gymnast, because swimmers have high calorie diets (see Michael Phelp's 2008 diet for an example.)
As far as this program specifically, I didn't check, but uh, that's what I know about the subject.
Another example of growth probably facilitated by lifting/eating I know from personal experience is a man at my church who took up powerlifting. He was 5'2, 120lbs when he got out of high school, took up powerlifting at age 18, 5 year reunion he was 6'0 240lbs (and a fairly lean 240, too.) Also likely has Aspergers, has a photographic memory and a 170 IQ.