Jitro wrote:
Why do we refer to groups of people regardless of gender as "guys"? As in:
"hi guys!"
Even if that group includes females.
I've been wondering that myself. The first time I encountered that use of 'guys' was when I watched "Home alone" for the first time (when it was new). When he wakes up alone, he goes down and calls out "guys", and my initial thought was 'why is he only calling the males?', but since guys were translated to 'folkens' I assumed it was slang.
Since then I have only seen it as a casual greeting. It's a little weird though, since no one would refer to a single girl as a guy or a dude.
I wonder if it doesn't stem from the era in which females were widely viewed as chattels, and thus not considered to be people. In Arabic, a mixed group is referred to in the masculine (though some "progressive" types have begun to say "boys and girls"). I suspect this is merely an artifact from a past time.
That could definitely have something to do with it. It's the same in Hebrew, by the way. Kinda like people tend to say "he" when gender is unknown.