I don't know whether or not there was a thread like this here but thought I'd start one anyway. Gales have hit the UK and the weather has been crap, and my morale has been low at work. So I thought I would do something a little cheery to perk me up a bit, and anyone else that needs it.
Basically, just list/talk about little things you like or love. I will start.
I love the smell of toast coming up the stairs as I wake up in the morning.
I love the sound of the rain against my bedroom window when I'm having a lie-in, knowing full well I don't have to go out in it and stay curled up in bed.
I love waking up to feel my hair or face being stroked by my boyfriend, who the gives me my first kiss of the day (he does this near enough every time I stay at his or he stays at mine).
I love everything about summer, the heat, the smell, everything!! !
I love steak and kidney pies with flaky puff pastry.
I love being able to sit alone and read my favourite journal/book without any distractions, preferably curled up in bed or sprawled across my sofa.
I love coca-cola.
I love just munching away on various types of food.
I love it when I'm in a world of my own, it's so relaxing.
I love the feel of the heat that comes off hot water bottles on your feet or stomach.
I love a decent mocha or a hot chocolate.
I love big jumpers that you have to wear in winter to keep warm, they are so snuggly.
I love being able to talk to someone I'm close to for hours about anything (actual proper conversation, meaningful), as though I'm washing all my problems away and realising what I have
I love, also, being able to talk to someone I'm close to about absolutely nothing because I'm in their company.
I love that feeling you get when you walk through your front door after being at work on Friday's knowing you can put your feet up and relax for the weekend.
I love the way you feel after you have just had your hair cut.
I may think of more later on in the week, you never know.
The only person in the world that can truly make you happy is yourself.