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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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Joined: 3 Nov 2013
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 45

04 Nov 2013, 9:17 pm

Hi I am new to this forum. I am a 24 year old Aspergers female from San Diego who lives in a group home. I was horribly maltreated by my foster parent who held me hostage until I was a month shy of 21 but that's a story I will share later. I am extremely talented at writing and artwork but far more interested in math and science even though I can't go to a good college for those subjects so I just study on my own even though I have a terribly hard time concentrating even with medication, I am EXTREMELY sensitive to meds and I can only take so much without getting on the threshold of an anxiety attack, which is sadly not enough to keep me concentrated all day. I feel bad and unable to concentrate on much of anything today for no reason, which is why I joined today.

I made this post to discuss one of my unhealthier obsessions... SCIBRATS. It's a word I coined, and I use it to describe bratty stupid rich little kids that win science fairs just because their parents either do their project for them or hire somebody else to, which galls me to no end, they are like the Miley Cyruses of the science industry and they are the reason there is no cure for cancer and that third world countries still exist. I can back that statement up, believe me I could write a book on how foul these creatures are, I just might in fact. Pardon if I accidentally swear because this is a cause I am fanatical about.

There is one girl whom I will not name because she might sue me but I call her Shoesforbrains because she wanted to spend the scholarship she won for 'curing cancer' on shoes. Pardon my rant, but WHAT KIND OF DITZY VALLEY GIRL IDIOT THINKS FIRST THING I WILL SPEND MY SCHOLARSHIP ON IS SHOES?!?!?! A REAL scientist wouldn't care what kind of shoes they are wearing! ALSO, she wanted to buy a first edition of The Great Gatsby which costs TWICE what her scholarship is worth! If she's so rich that she would even consider buying that and STILL afford to go to Harvard then she's too rich to deserve a scholarship for a project that she probably didn't even do other than swab petri dishes for the professor anyway. I am not a violent person, I am sorry, but whenever I see a meme of her I want to rip her hair out and bite her until she screams and I get called into time out :evil:

And there is another loathsome scibrat I found out about that I will call Doesntknowanelementfromherown***hole because she was describing her project, which involves photodynamic therapy, and she said that collagen hemoglobin and melanin are elements. THEY ARE NOT ELEMENTS SERIOUSLY HAS THIS HAG EVER SEEN A PERIODIC TABLE?!?! Oh sure, maybe she didn't literally mean elements as in elements of the periodic table, but given that she didn't know anything about chemistry prior to starting the project, I don't find it so crazy to believe that she didn't know what an element is. I think her rich daddy (probably president of this Chinese electrical components company based on what little I could find in English) paid off the grad students' loans to put her name on the project and let her work in the lab (which she even admit she sucked at) Also she said that the absorption spectra of these 'elements' intersect in the near infrared range; she means the TRANSMISSION spectra, because if it were the absorption spectra then those wavelengths wouldn't get through deep tissue to affect the photosensitizer at the tumor site!! ! I also heard of some shady stuff she pulled with the school orchestra and her $20,000 cello...

These people make me sick. In my opinion they are worse and more toxic than the Kardashians. I hate them and I am not afraid to tell people but I don't make public videos about them anymore because there is this one girl who I call Eggs who tried to sue me or have me arrested for making videos that weren't even that mean about her. I originally only had them on private and I publicized them out of boredom one day. Though I would love to see the look on her face when she found out she was being trolled :twisted:

And then there is this one kid who is ridiculously famous for supposedly finding a cheap way to diagnose pancreatic cancer. First of all, tons of scientists have been working on this, but we haven't heard of them because they are not sixteen not to mention GAY (I have nothing against homosexual peoples, but I totally think this kid is using that to sell his image which is just wrong) He seems smarter than most scibrats, but the publicity he is getting is RIDICULOUS. I even talked to him once and he conveniently avoided demonstrating that he has advanced knowledge of cancer biology, and also shilled for his scibrat friends (one of whom is dead but that is an entirely different story 8O ) He also demonstrated hypocrisy and narrow-mindedness. But anything short of kissing him where the sun don't shine is vile slander apparently, and just the fact that I don't worship the ground he walks on already has him rubbed the wrong way against me (keep in mind, I haven't said anything mean to him, at least not in a way I perceived as mean)

I think it is possible that adults have realized that the only way to get their research out there is to stick it on some rich kid and use them to sell it. Sickening. They push for all this ridiculous "groupthink/collaboration/nolonescientist" in science (which I think is just enabling them to copy off each other and CHEAT) and turn around and treat these children like they invented this stuff all on their own, and the sad thing is, people are so scientifically ignorant they will even buy it! Science and math is just a different vernacular like any other language, I don't see why it's so difficult! People are purposely programmed to be bad at it! And not to be a crazy conspiracy theorist but Big Pharma would just love to use those test strips to diagnose fake cancer in people so they will feel pressured to pay for a CT scan which will make more money for the medical industry plus perhaps even give them cancer if they don't have it which means chemo $$ for Big Pharma!

But people patronize me because of my perceived disorder, treat me like an Untermensch, so I might as well be talking to a shoe... I hope Grumpy Cat takes a biiiiig poopoo in Shoesforbrains' shoes!! ! :evil: (And Chemistry Cat can poopoo in Doesntknowanelementfromherownyouknowwhat's)