So I've noticed a trend with a pretty large percentage of girls that live in my area, that I personally find hilarious and somewhat odd. Anyways the highs have been mostly in the 30-50 degree F range here over the past few months, so it's been fairly chilly. But I see a pretty large amount of girls walking around in these heavy fur coats, and short shorts! I'd honestly estimate it at about 15-25% of the women in my area. Maybe it's just me, but that doesn't exactly seem like the most logical style choice. The only thing I can guess is that they just seriously want to show off their legs or something, because that clearly can't be comfortable in 20/30 degree weather! Not to mention, doesn't wearing short shorts kind of defeat the purpose of wearing the heavy coat in the first place? It's like saying "Yeah, I'm going to bundle up and wear 5 layers of clothing today to keep warm...but I'm going to leave my legs completely exposed and let them get eaten alive by the elements!" So does anyone have any additional insight on this style trend lol?