Comic book or tv superheros that are aspies

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22 Feb 2013, 6:17 pm

I love the Lone Ranger, whom I believe is the quintessential aspie superhero of the old west. His friend is an Indian who speaks broken English and is an outcast of the day's society, TLR (The Lone Ranger) often uses Tanto to assist him in figuring out people, or, the bad guys. TLR often speaks without much inflection, also, the technical side of TLR is quite high. TLR never sticks around to talk to anyone, or if he does, the answers seem a bit strange, or not NT (neuro typical). Never needing friends or a girl friend. I think TLR is like me in many ways, but not all, I think that is why I like TLR so much, plus what TLR stands for as a superhero.

Batman, another aspie superhero. Technically obsessed, only friend is his paid butler, computers all around, not much inflection in his voice and his thing is bats. Bats come out at night and have little to no human contact. Batman has a "flat" affect.

Please add any other superheros to this list and why you believe they fit being an aspie, you can add to the two I've posted about, you can even list supervillians and why they might be aspies. Thank you.


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23 Feb 2013, 4:35 am

(Thread moved from Getting to know each other to Random)

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23 Feb 2013, 6:10 am

While I don't think he's on the spectrum, I've always related to the guy in my avatar, Cyclops of the X-Men.
Most especially after I read Uncanny X-Men #148, in the beginning pages of which he is stranded on a desert island with a friend of his (who takes a romantic interest in him). He pushes her away, 'causing her to abandon him (at the time he's also blindfolded because he lost the special glasses that control his optic blasts). So he kind of stumbles about, thinking to himself how unintentionally rude he can be with people sometimes, that he never had this problem with his once-girlfriend Jean because she's telepathic(!), and that the whole reason he had left the X-Men and went out into the world, was to learn how to deal with people.
That really struck home and fixed Cyclops as my #1 favourite X-Man. Aside from that, he's kind of a straight arrow who takes comfort in following the rules, he gets absorbed into his task of leading the X-Men to the point where it resembles a special interest, he's a genius when it comes to geometry and has displayed an interest in aviation, so he's quite bright although he isn't a scientist like Reed Richards or Peter Parker.

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23 Feb 2013, 6:57 am

Batman and The Lone Ranger.

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23 Feb 2013, 1:56 pm

I'm a huge Batman fan and I must disagree.

One of Batman's main "powers" is his ability to read people and manipulate them psychologically. That's not something people with AS could easily do.

I'd say Batman is more obsessive/compulsive with borderline personality disorder (considering the how he treats the "robins").

Now, Vic Sage aka The Question might be an aspie--especially the Justice League Unlimited version. In JLU Vic finds it very hard to make friends or fit in, but he's extremely smart and obsessed with conspiracies...

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23 Feb 2013, 4:43 pm

Bats is, in fact, a bit of a sociopath, sometimes seeing others more as things to be manipulated than as people. On the other hand, he expects that in return - one nice bit in the animated JL movie "Doom", loosely based on an arc in the JLA comic, was when the other Leaguers found out Bruce had plans in place to take them all down if necessary.

SUPERMAN: We'd never do that to you!
BATMAN: Then you're all damned fools.

There was a very nice Aspie superheroine I saw once, in Avengers Academy - not sure if she's still with the team, or for that matter if the book's still being published - named Finesse. Her power was the ability to strike the weak point in any structure, assisted by her superior sense of kinesthetics. In personality, she was the quintessential Aspie, even to the point of acknowledging (when they found out the original purpose behind the Academy - that it had identified those trainee supers most likely to go villain, and segregated them in the effort to ingrain heroism in them) that it was a really good idea. (The others were shocked at the notion they might one day go bad, and even more that Osborne's Iniative Program had been aimed at making them the best villains they could be.)

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23 Feb 2013, 5:53 pm

Iron Man. He's definitely awkward.


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24 Feb 2013, 2:52 am

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
Splinter seems to have one interest only, ninjutsu.
Like some aspies, Donatello is really talented in science, and he's really bad with slang.
Raphael has the anger of someone used to ridicule and rejection.
Leonardo is a good leader but he doesn't get the respect he earns (even if it mostly is Raph who doesn't respect him).
Michaelangelo wants to be part of the society that is closed to him, and his humor is often lost on his brothers.
Even Shredder's obsession with the turtles could be seen as aspie stalking.

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24 Feb 2013, 3:13 am



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24 Feb 2013, 4:37 am

L from deathnote [youtube][/youtube]
Near as well! [youtube][/youtube]

Your Aspie score is 193 of 200
Your neurotypical score is 40 of 200
You are very likely an aspie
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24 Feb 2013, 4:40 am

L having an anxiety attack!! [youtube][/youtube]

Your Aspie score is 193 of 200
Your neurotypical score is 40 of 200
You are very likely an aspie
No matter where I go I will always be a Gaijin even at home. Like Anime?


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24 Feb 2013, 6:56 am

Now, Vic Sage aka The Question might be an aspie--especially the Justice League Unlimited version. In JLU Vic finds it very hard to make friends or fit in, but he's extremely smart and obsessed with conspiracies...

I totally agree with this assessment of The Question. You can tell he starting to learn how to interact with people at the start of Question Authority too. Id have to say Wally West Flash is an Aspie too. Contrary to his goofy nature he is a very smart man, and After overcoming The Wall after the death of the previous Flash, His Uncle Barry Allen, He actually refuses to become the flash for a couple of weeks cause he couldn't handle the pressure of taking up such a role. (i think so many continuities) as well as this he is particularly somewhat blind to normal societal manners and over-exaggerates his flirting as well as only catching onto subtle social cues after some nudging.

In regards to anime however I would Have to say that Crona from soul Eater would be the most aspie after L and Near

In terms of Marvel though, Tony I would say is as close to being aspie without being it. He has social skills and he can read body language just fine.

However there are hundreds of Heroes with Marvel and DC to explore on such a topic.


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24 Feb 2013, 7:41 am

DeaconBlues wrote:
Bats is, in fact, a bit of a sociopath, sometimes seeing others more as things to be manipulated than as people. On the other hand, he expects that in return - one nice bit in the animated JL movie "Doom", loosely based on an arc in the JLA comic, was when the other Leaguers found out Bruce had plans in place to take them all down if necessary.

SUPERMAN: We'd never do that to you!
BATMAN: Then you're all damned fools.

I love this scene from New Frontier when Batman meets J'onn J'onzz aka Martian Manhunter for the first time...


Now, that's classic Batman!


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25 Feb 2013, 9:01 am

Skilpadde wrote:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
Splinter seems to have one interest only, ninjutsu.
Like some aspies, Donatello is really talented in science, and he's really bad with slang.
Raphael has the anger of someone used to ridicule and rejection.
Leonardo is a good leader but he doesn't get the respect he earns (even if it mostly is Raph who doesn't respect him).
Michaelangelo wants to be part of the society that is closed to him, and his humor is often lost on his brothers.
Even Shredder's obsession with the turtles could be seen as aspie stalking.

I'd never thought of that, but now that I do, you're quite right. Now I want to get home and start watching the show again. I still haven't seen the whole series. By now my dvd collection has grown so much that I haven't watch even half the series I've bought. Although it haven't been adding to it lately.

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