Now that I'm volunteering at the local animal shelter, I'm getting to work with a lot of different dog breeds, and I've found that I'm most attracted to the larger working breeds, especially shepherds and shepherd mixes; both in appearance and temperament.
The other night wen I was there, I was walking through the kennels, and almost instantly zeroed in on a very handsome, seven-year-old, medium-sized shepherd mix named Buster in the strays section (click his name for a photo of him). I was just instantly captivated by him. Such a handsome and gentle, friendly dog. As much I as I wanted to adopt him on the spot, I really hope his owner took good care of him, and finds him and comes and takes him home again soon, and continues to take good care of him in the future. If he doens't get taken home again, then I hope he goes up for adoption and gets adopted by a kind, caring family in the near future.
He also reminds me of another shepherd mix I got to work with at a different animal shelter a long time ago; a dog named Brad. What a goofball he was; a major goober-dog. I never got to find out if he got adopted or not, though, unfortunately. I'm assuming he did, though. I mean, who could resist a dog that handsome, goofy and sweet?
Although, I don't particularly care much for the little yappy dogs, honestly. They're kind of cute, if we're not talking about bug-eyed chihuahuas, but their annoyance factor is still pretty high. My family and friends tend to have a saying: "If it doesn't at least come up to the middle of your shins at the shoulder, it's not a dog; it's a large rat."
TL;DR: I really like shepherds and shepherd mixes, whether they're German Shepherds, Australian Shepherds, Anatolian Shepherds, or what-have-you.
Of course, I still absolutely love my dog. He's a medium-sized yellow lab/brittany spaniel mix (click the breed for a photo of him; our cat is a bonus feature in the picture).
So, what are your favorite dog breeds?
Let's have photos to go with, too, shall we? Makes the thread that much more interesting.
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