"It's like looking at the surface of the sun" he said. Truly, that just about says it.
And really, that's not far off. I imagine the large gas giant planets have some crazy molten or even fusion-type activity going on at their centers, if even the smaller rocky planets like ours have molten cores. It's not exactly the same thing, but think about all that mass being molten, and staying molten... think about all the energy just percolating in there.
It's almost like, planets are more similar to stars than we realize; just with lower mass, they don't start full-scale fusion reactions, and the crust is able to cool and harden.
Ever seen the movie 2010? (The sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey). Remember Jupiter getting turned into a star?
I love the opening of the movie too. When the the first bass note plays of the opening theme, I get goosebumps:
With an AQ of ~32-36 and much self-reflection, I now believe myself to be some sort of Aspie-NT hybrid, with most of the abilities of either an Aspie or an NT.