I think I have found a new obsession. Guns. It's funny, I have known people who have been very into guns, but didn't think I could get into them myself. But one day it just hit me that guns are fascinating as well as being fun to shoot. So today I bought myself a gun magazine.
I am terrible with mechanical things generally, such as cars, but guns are simple enough for me to understand, while being versatile enough that there is always more to learn about different kinds. By the way, I am not into hunting and have only been twice (The most I ever got was one squirel). Having to gut an animal is gross enough to outweigh any adrenaline rush I would get from killing it. And though killing is a rush, morally I don't like the idea of taking a creatures life. My Dad never felt it was safe for me to go hunting, though he did with my other brothers, as I was not aware of my surroundings enough. But target practice is fun.