What a sweeping generalization. I can't remember the last time I've seen someone drive stick since my dad had his trooper he brought in '89.
Chummy wrote:
C'mon people be more mature.... (I didn't get that response personally but it's pretty common for many men). It's so stupid. Sometime I wish I was a woman. Men are generally expected to achieve more, a high salary job, a good house, be savvy with how to repair everything.... While if a woman is unemployed it's considered "ok" because she has to take care of the children, laundry, cooking etc. I mean I ain't a chauvinist - I advocate the 50-50 method.... but c'mon those conservative "primitive" men are annoying me! dang it XD
Real feminists point this double standard out, gender roles and stuff are holding our society behind. Too bad so many people are soured to real feminism (which equates to true equality for both sexes) because of nutso insane people who are very vocal about man hating which actually has nothing to do with it.