My mom noticed not long ago that my old shoulder bag had some patches/stitches in it where I'd sewed up rips and tears in it, and she thought that it might be a good idea to get me a new one (while inspecting my old bag to see what it was like, she almost found about my small plush friends that I carry with me all the time - I think I managed to distract her in time, but she might have seen Rebound's fuzzy ears sticking out, lol
). Now, I'm not the kind of gal who's, like, "purse - crazy" (you know, always changing purses/bags every week/month/year) - heck, I don't even call mine a purse, usually - I just call it "my bag." "Purse" just seems like too feminine a word to carries connotations of carrying girly things in it, like makeup, lip gloss, barrettes, pocket mirrors, combs, etc...and I usually just carry a phone, wallet, camera, and of course, my plushies, in mine.
....Annnnyyyyway, about a week ago, my mom and I went to Target to pick out a new bag for me (I specifically requested Target, since that was where I got my old one from), and I chose this really cool Mossimo khaki "messenger bag" with lots of different pockets and compartments....and it was made out of the kind of fabric I could put buttons/pins on (I don't like really "fancy" leathery kinds of bags, bcuz you can't decorate them).
So, I was really happy, but my little friends needed some convincing:
Sgt. Calhoun volunteered to perform a perimeter check on it:
...I think they've learned to like it, though!
They think there's actually more room for them all in the new bag than there was in the old one, and I think they're right!
And here's the thing - normally I would have balked at changing bags, but since my mom was so willing to help me look for a bag similar to the one I had, and didn't insist on buying me the most girly bag she could find, I was okay with it this time. 
I wish Sterling Holloway narrated my life.
"IT'S NOT FAIR!" "Life isn't fair, Calvin." "I know, but why isn't it ever unfair in MY favor?" ~ from Calvin and Hobbes