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30 Jul 2013, 11:25 am

...every time I look down upon (on the bed, while using the TV as monitor) my shirtless chest, I get distracted by the areola, thus making me need to change my point of view. :oops:

Any other such weird thing happen to you?


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30 Jul 2013, 1:10 pm

Put a shirt on! :lol:

But yeah, I get distracted by the strangest things. My son's preschool is in a wooded area and there are all these tiny dime-sized frogs all over the place right now. I'm a city girl, so all these frogs are absolutely amazing to me and I can't help squatting down on the ground to watch them. The staff and other parents have noticed I'm a little odd.

"Lonely is as lonely does.
Lonely is an eyesore."


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30 Jul 2013, 1:15 pm

It's rare that I'm not in a constant state of distraction. I do housework by pinball method half the time...wander in the kitchen for a drink, do dishes...wander into the bedroom, oh look, I didn't finish putting laundry away. :oops: