Just thought I'd let you all know that I'm back!
Yes I know that it's been a while since I last posted anything here but sadly my old laptop died on me and so I had to save up and buy a new one.
Just in case there are any tech heads reading this I got a blue 'Lenovo' laptop with Windows 8, I can't fill you in on any more details however as I'm not much of a tech head...
On top of all that I've also been quite busy, and I shall now fill you all in on some of the tings I got up to while I was away.
1. I had a visit from my mum, my grandma and one of my many aunties.
The visit went well and we all had a good time, and my mum is looking forward to her next one in five weeks time where she will be sleeping over at my place.
2. Needless to say I got my self a number of graphic novels, DVDs, games and a Lego set of the Daily Bugle offices (from Spider Man) to add to my collections over the last few weeks all of which I have enjoyed, although this meant I have built up something of a backlog which has been ever expanding for the last two years.
3. I have watched all the way up to the start of Season Five of Star Trek TNG on my DVD collection and I am also up to speed on 'Arrow' and 'Agents of SHEILD' all while looking forward to seeing the new 'Thor: The Dark World' next Monday.
Also I have begun watching 'Sleepy Hollow' so far I have watched the first two episodes.
4. I have just applied for a three stage course on baking and cookery with plans to do some more relating to fitness and metalwork.
This is so I can
a, Cook a wider selection of meals and maybe entertain people at my place.
b, Be able to teach some of my fellow Aspies and Auties in the company I'm in how to keep fit (and lose some excess weight in the bargain) as quite a number of them find this hard.
c, I'm doing metal work so I can sell my own jewelry which I shall make.
Needless to say this is not a so called 'special' collage (although I did once attend one many years ago, but soon left) but a mainstream one, although it does also cater in some class's for those slightly more severe learning difficulties than AS or (HF) Autism.
I will be starting the collage after Christmas.
So how have things been going while I was away?