Until now, I never thought, that there would be actually people thinking of "real" zombies existing, so as well I didnt thought of people existing, that a Zombie Apokalypse could happen. ^^
The thing with the zombies in video games, is the same as why androids or aliens get favored. Its simply about the age-recommendations, that the games gets. Beat the crap out of an "human" in an videogame: No advertesiment allowed or games-magazines are forced to do extra special editions that can be bought separately. Beat the crap out of an zombie or alien: Age recommendation 12-16, advertisiments allowed, no special needs for gaming magazines.
I dont know, how earnest I should think about it, but I as well read an political article, that reasoned, that the actual zombie hype is as well caused to increasing crisis about wealth in the world. So the zombies shall be a comparison and cause on purpose fear in middle and higher class people for a "horde of unintellectual and brainless mass", that if allowed to revolt, by doing so would destroy human civilisation, art, ... that is in the oppinion of the wealthier ones caused on them, and will leave only destruction behind them, if they will not be controlled properly.
I do understand the comparison, can as well agree that maybe the actual crisis around the world, make such "end of the world/catastrophe" films more likely, but I dont think that this is done by an political party on purpose. Its statistical approved, that people tend in crisis situations, to ignore the actual situation, while inactively their brain is active about the topic, and so seek sideways to to so by books, novels, films... So the time of cold war and cuba crisis, when atomar war seems to have been likely, was as well a time when lots of such films were released. (Mad Max, Blade Runner, ...)