She's working at one of our clinics. I was sent there because with the ACA they're doing so much that they're falling behind with enrollments, so my supervisor sent me there to help catch up. I found out that she's working there as a receptionist. I recognized her right away, yet absolutely refused to believe that it could be the same person. Finally I commented to her that she reminded me of someone from high school. Apparently, she recognized me, too. She said she had been very mean to me and that she was very sorry. She asked me if I forgave her. I've always been very frank and told her that I did know if I did. She seemed very hurt and upset by this. I honestly do not know if I can forgive her, yet I must admit something. I know that it takes a lot of courage for someone to recognize they did something wrong and even more to apologize. I appreciate that she apologized. I know another individual who hurt me in ways much worse than even the bullies at school did, yet when I confronted her, she insisted that I was wrong and confused. Perhaps I had a dream in which that happened and I was mistaking the dream for an actual memory, that God knew that I was messed up and confused, but just how could I hurt her when she had done so much for me. I was forced to see her a few days ago and my mother insisted I be polite, which just cost me what little self respect I had. It just sickened me how that person would be behaving like the angel she behaves when there are other people around, and me unable to show just what I think of her. I just don't know. Should I recognize that the bully has the courage to admit she was worng and apologized, unlike this other person, and forgive her?
"Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat." - Mark Twain