I tend to give really long answers in these posts as well as in real life. Its just that I have a hard time with giving an answer unless I fully explain myself because I see so much complexity in everything I don't feel like I am being honest or accurate unless I have went through all the ins and outs. To me partial or simple answers are incorrect because to me it is leaving out crucial info, as all parts of a fact are to me crucial. Leaving out things means the info will be misinterpreted. Guess thats part of AS.
The other day a friend asked me if I thought a paper was due in class the next day. I replied that I had no idea, even though I thought we did. To me telling her that I was pretty sure a paper was due would be misleading because either the paper is due or not. Me being pretty sure wouldn't make the paper more likely to be due, as it is either due or not, and my feelings on it. I did not want to give the impression that one was due until I actually knew for a fact that it was.
I think this method of thinking can actually be a good thing because it means I am not in generally a biased person. I look at every aspect of an issue before giving an answer, such as philosophy or politics which are my passions. If I have not researched or thought about an issue, I am careful not to make a strong judgement. Once I understand it I do, but it bugs me when people have strong opinions on things they don't know enough about to form an opinion like that. I would say at least 75% of the people here at school are of this nature. You've got radical liberals and radical conservatives and every shade in between and they can't all be right. But they all think they are because they have not investigated every issue and when they do, they look at it with the presumption that their preexisting notions are absolutetly correct.
well thats my ramble, but true to form, I explained myself, whether it was clear or not. Hopefully I can work on that. Hopefully I will be able to simplify and generalize enough that I can give two sentence explanations. But then again, thats an NT method of thought thats not the "right" way. Perhaps I had better not say hopefully I will be able to simplify. Because if everybody does that, one who sees all complexities is of great use in the intellectual, work, and social areas.
I had another ramble, but I realized it was not keeping with the topic about giving people answers, though it is related, so I will start a new post for that discussion.