I was rarely able to throw out comebacks. No ideas what to do in the case of teasing. Problem? - My brain works too slow and I just can't figure it out in less than a few seconds, the time it takes to be witty. My solution? - Do absolutely nothing. I ignored all forms of teasing. I refused to participate in games of witty comebacks. If someone was kicking the back of my chair in elementary school, well they could kick their little hearts out all day and get absolutely no response from me, even though it bugged the crap out of me. When they would tease me about it, try to get a response when the kicking wasn't working, they got nothing. I did this my whole way through school. Hence, there were times when teasing would begin, but they wouldn't last long. People generally left me alone because they got no positive reinforcement to continue. I may have taken this to an extreme, and probably got left out of some fun, but it was all I could do. I hated their silly games anyway. So, I had few friends bc I couldn't even do the "fun" wit games, but I didn't want to put up with the stupid games, and I didn't have to put up with teasing from others either.
"Second to the right, and straight on till morning."
- the way to Neverland