Do/Did you have a muse?
This is something that came to my mind again recently.
At various points in my life, I had found myself at a low when it comes to inspiration or even the very will to carry on living; at those times, I would see very little good in the world (and the people) around me, next to having a very low self-esteem. Sometimes, however, I'd encounter a person who would turn that all upside down on its head. A person so inspiring and interesting, that being in their presence and talking with them was a very uplifting experience for me, and helped put the negatives in perspective, renew my views on what's great about the world, and why life is worth living.
One such person was a co-worker who was kind of a neo-hippie. She was always open and friendly, and extremely empathic. She had a lot of great stories to tell from the book of her life, and I felt that she maintained a very healthy life philosophy in general. It was great to work together with her, and I still fondly remember our conversations at work to this day. At that time, she was kind of my 'muse'. If ever I felt down and out, I would think of her, and find a reason to keep on keeping on.
Now over to you guys. Have you ever had a person (or persons) in your life who were, or still are, your muse?
clarity of thought before rashness of action
Mine have been mostly women I've known or been with, but I also had a room I used to record in for my most prolific period to date, provided all the right elements being in place - the main one being an actual method of recording the sounds the way I hear them mentally
Let's go on out and take a moped ride, and all your friends will thing your brain is fried, but you can't live your life too dirty, 'cause in the the end you're born to go 30