nick007 wrote:
EzraS wrote:
The only one I remember, was some was some kid saying he was in the shower and happened to notice for the first time, something dangling from between his legs and wondered what it was (minimum age for the forum is 13).
I still laugh at that one because of how it was worded. Thread immediately locked, OP banned.
Sounds like a question on Yahoo answers

It reminds me of one question sent to a teen magazine Bravo published in Poland; one from the 90's: "I'm 10 and I noticed that when I wake up in the morning, there's some liquid on the sheet but this is not urine. What is it and what should I do, is it an illness?" Staś, 10.

All of those letters were made up, I bet. Anyway, with all respect for all Polish guys whose name is Staś... well, to have this name one needs to be below 15 or older than 50, that was not a name from my generation, that's for sure.
There only lacked this one question: "I'm 15 and I'm still a virgin, does it mean my dad is gay?" Lol.