Raptor wrote:
Dogs are like that, too. I swear mine could read my mind sometimes.
Dogs are known to be quiet competent at recognizing moods. Part of that, is because of them being pack animals too, so in a dog pack it is important to know the mood of the other pack-dogs. The interesting stuff is, that dogs, that get raised with humans, are able to learn to recognize human emotions too.
Most pack mammal animals are quiet good at it. There is as well an youtube video of an dolphin, that hurt himself with an lost fishing-hook and wrapped itself in the cord of it. He could not free himself, so he went to a nearby spot, that was visited often by divers for Manta-watching during night. There he approached one of the divers, until the diver freed him of the hook and the cord. From an scientific view its quiet amazing, because the dolphin did not only memorize the spot, but as well the happening on that spot (fish friendly divers watching Mantas), as well as the understanding that humans have quiet good hand abilities and were able to free him. It may not sound amazing but in the end it shows the possibility of virtual thinking: "I have a problem: Which possibilities are known to me, that could help me solve that problem."