khaoz wrote:
UndeadToaster wrote:
Just out of curiosity, why do you despise Wikipedia?
And Uncyclopedia can be funny, but sometimes people try too hard or just assume that obscene = funny.
I am old school. People these days just run to Wikipedia for everything and reference it as fact. People don't put forth effort to research thing themselves. Wikipedia has become an "authority" on everything. There are wiki's for everything now. makes people lazy intellectually. But, I'm old, and set in my ways, and
prefer the thrill of finding things out for myself instead of this one stop resource center. I have the same disdain for microwave ovens, cuisinarts, bleh, bleh, bleh
I don't like obscene or vulgar. I don't use profanity. I just saw the first page of uncyclopedia, as how it is parody of Wikipedia. so I thought it was clever from that standpoint. I have never actually delved into uncyclopedia
my problem with Wikipedia is anyone can change it or claim to be an "expert" at anything. I even have an account and can make modifications. It is like most of the internet what is not porn or lies is mostly opinion.
however claim of finding everything for yourself is just a little extreme, I use books and have been taught stuff - was not able to deduce the principals of calculus all on my own, nor could I have come up with E = Mc2. Much of what I know comes from people who knew it before and I read in books.
?The first duty of a human being is to assume the right functional relationship to society--more briefly, to find your real job, and do it.? - Charlotte Perkins Gilman
"There never was a good war, or a bad peace." - Benjamin Franklin