A more polite way of telling people to **** off.

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12 May 2014, 10:10 pm

How do you deal with people making announced insults on you?, or just being plain annoying. like a certain hugely pot bellied gentleman who kept upsetting everyone, such as poking fun at their tattoos, T shirt slogans, hairstyles and making snide remarks about them, etc. How can I brush those sought of people off other than the more brutally blunt "**** off you big fat ******" But in the gym where swearing is frowned on I have to resort to other measures. I resorted to with that obnoxious fat guy. "could you do me a favour" he then replied "what is that?" and I replied "I know it is a lot to ask being as big as you are, but could you completely disappear?" He so got the message and never came near me again. That is a polite way of putting it. Either that or find other polite non swearing alternatives. Other strategies are ?I am not your friend, never will be, please go!!? when the walk away method was not working. Or perhaps if it gets too much go to the gym manager and they my sought him out.
The was one young woman with some flowers tattooed on her shoulder give the final word on him "you are obviously looking for trouble rubbing so many people up the wrong way, if you keep it up you are going to get yourself hurt, literally"


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13 May 2014, 3:12 am

Well, it depends on the person(s) involved but you could always try 'the hairdryer', a technique that was used by Sir Alec Ferguson. Position your nose about a tenth of an inch from theirs, look them right in the eyes and SHOUT as many insults as you can.

Me? I'm 6ft 2, I can benchpress well over 220 pounds, I've a haircut that would make a Marine sergeant happy and I can generate a look in my eyes that makes as*holes think twice. Add the hairdryer to this combination and problems tend to go away.

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01 Jun 2014, 8:50 am

Tell `em if you wanted to hear from an as*hole you`d fart.

I do wish people would refrain from asking Me what`s wrong, then telling Me to smile.
I`m trying ever so hard to remain non violent.


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01 Jun 2014, 12:55 pm

"Thank you very much, I love you too. Have a wonderful day."


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01 Jun 2014, 7:09 pm

^ Thats good. Have done that.

If that fails then there is always the two magic words: "bite me!".


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01 Jun 2014, 9:40 pm

You could suggest that they do some procreative travelling, as a substitute for saying F Off..


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01 Jun 2014, 9:45 pm

To me saying "fk off" is a polite of telling somebody to "Fk off"


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02 Jun 2014, 10:59 am

You folk really do need lessons in insulting someone. Swearing is one thing but when you call someone a spawny-eyed parrot-faced wazzok they've really got the message.



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02 Jun 2014, 11:20 am

complaining about a bloke who goes around insulting the features of other humans is a valid issue but dont drop down to his level by calling him a big fat...whatever as that is focusing on his physical featurs to,it takes away any seriousness and also makes him look like a victim.

what about getting together with other gym users who are afected and reporting him to the gym manager for his behavior towards others?

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02 Jun 2014, 11:43 am

Low life, rudy poo, rat-soup eating, kangaroo pouch sniffing, lopearred, countrified, ridge running stump jumping, bag biting who*e.

How that be for an insult?


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02 Jun 2014, 12:01 pm

Eccles_the_Mighty wrote:
You folk really do need lessons in insulting someone. Swearing is one thing but when you call someone a spawny-eyed parrot-faced wazzok they've really got the message.

I would replace "wazzok" with a bit more insulting, or demeaning term. Borderline slur if you will.

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02 Jun 2014, 5:37 pm

Sometimes nothing else is good enough and you have to tell whoever to just f**k off. It is quick and to the point.


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02 Jun 2014, 10:12 pm

Not sure what the most sensible way to deal with this is, but if you remove a few of his teeth with a blunt object he might be less inclined to eat cheeseburgers or show his face while he recovers. :P

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02 Jun 2014, 10:14 pm

Two words: "Child please".
Yes. It is literally a more "kind" way of dropping the f-bomb upon someone.

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02 Jun 2014, 10:15 pm

Two words: "Child please".
Yes. It is literally a more "kind" way of dropping the f-bomb upon someone.


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03 Jun 2014, 8:11 am

Marylandman889 wrote:
Two words: "Child please".
Yes. It is literally a more "kind" way of dropping the f-bomb upon someone.

Learned from Chad Johnson?