A thought.
Consider places like Egypt, full of sand, not far off oceans of water yet unpalatable to drink.
Slowly its rivers waters are drying up, as while others are fighting for the resources.
The farming land, slowly being used up to where there is little more use for it.
What if I could tell you how all that can be circumvented?
To turn deserts into farmlands, great cities of splendor made of glass.
All the farming and drinking water they would ever need for generations.
All the energy resources they would ever need without the use of oil.
To bring into light history long forgot thats been buried by the sands.
And they could do it all, have it all, if they just set aside their want of money, and instead worked together to better their own peoples lives and that of the world they live in. but yes, this CAN be done, but only if they put an end to corruption and that of greed, and work together.
It can be done, we have the science, we have the technology. and the funny thing is, it was also within our ancients abilities to achieve too, I wouldn't be surprised if we found buried in their sands attempts at this vary same thing I have in mind too. just they were lacking in the understanding we now have. what we learn and can understand in just a year they would have had to taken centuries to figure out.
Cities made of glass. we can use glass to make glass. for glass is made of sand and we have refined the processes many fold since the (I think) Egyptians created it.,. we could use the heat of the sun to melt sand under magnifying glasses. we could in fact fracture and cut stone with it and the use of water.. and as the sand is used for glass and recycle we would find many buried things from our human history and past that we never even realized existed. don't dig, suck the sand up.
We could use the heat from the sun, through magnification, to drive massive pumps made of steam and tides but with no real mechanical parts that could break down,. to create pure clean water and pump by natural means it to far away places where its needed,. and the deposits left over from converting oceanic salt water and organics into pure water can be recycled too, into needed salts and that of organics for top soils. also their rivers that will soon run dry, it would be full of organic sediment that can be used as top soils.
Its easy to imagine, its all logical, if we really wanted too, we could melt steel with the magnification of the suns heat with glass, in fact you can find it on youtube how it could be done. just it would have to be done on a vary massive scale.
Yes I know not all sand can make clear clean glass, but we wouldn't have too. aqueducts and buildings do not need to be seen through. it would be about the same as using blocks of stone other then they would also be perfect for solar everything and we could rainbow color them too. and think about it, all that silicon, we use it in our computers too, there would be a market. and consider what is clay and brick made of, that can be created from the sand too.
And yes I know, not all days are sunny and the nights can be cool too. but have you ever found your sink tricking water all night? it may not look much but by morning it would be a flood. and the hot and cold cycles can be dynamically used to help pump the waters even at night and cool days to where it needs to go. what I have in mind does not take the need of electricity nor that of the use of oils. its just that it would have to be massive. no fuels other then they dynamics of mother nature. and it could last as long as the pyramids for the simple fact it wouldn't take any mechanical parts, mother nature does that part. and no the ideas are not truly mine, I got them from the Greeks and Romans and their aqueduct systems and others. all I done was update their ideas.
Any thoughts? or do you think I am just a dreamer?
Yes I am talking turning their very deserts into a resource for building materials,
And their near by oceans into resources of fresh water and top soil materials.
Humans would for the first time move back oceans of sand to make way for them, Terraforming.
What is Terraforming then that of taking what already exists and converting it to what you need.
What tells me no one is listening, or they think I am just a dreamer, is in what you don't say.
People long ago taught me to listen to what they don't say, because they don't want to bother to hear it, thus they do not respond to it. this is not always true, but is the most common response.
Yes I am not the brightest of cookies, but I do love documentaries, and they help me learn, and I sometimes see things others overlook. so I wish to question them. to pose questions. why can this not be done? I would be more then willing to point you to documentaries that i have watched as references, if you were but willing to watch them and listen. if you are but willing to question, in order for us to both learn.
Master Thread Killer