How to take care of a dog of breed Labrador

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19 Jul 2014, 4:33 am

My neighbor happened to a family tragedy, her husband died, he wanted to be buried with his family in the rural cemetery in the village from which it comes.

My neighbor is an elderly lady, you would say "Angel" takes care of All animals in our neighborhood, feeds stray cats living in the basement of our apartment building, can sometimes catches them and brings to the Wroclaw University of Life Sciences, involved in agriculture and veterinary medicine,the provide free castration of all stray cats and dogs, as well as offer free castrations pet if someone can not afford for vet, is covered by our city.
In conclusion, this lady was once abandoned Labrador, of female sex, while mushroom picking with her husband (who is now buried) dog was terribly neglected and starved, the lady of the dog fed and cured at their own expense, even though she is not especially rich. Because, unfortunately, here in Poland there is a callousness when it comes to animal rights. We Poles earn more year by year, often go on holiday abroad (I personally have never been abroad) in the to Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, even to Egypt.

Well, my countrymen afford expensive trips abroad, but skimp money on a hotel for animals, therefore during the holiday season growing number of dumped animals, are often abandoned just beyond the cities limits, or in Polish State Forestry, the state forestry often impose hefty fines on this monsters, moroever the same as dumping old electric garbage in State Forestry like old washing machines, Has just such a dog taken care of my neighbor.

park rangers rarely catch the people responsible for this, besides how to catch every year since the state budget for expenses related to the environment are regularly cut off all the money goes to the spending goes to the Ministry of National Defence, the Prime Minister brags that only Poland meets the requirements of NATO on a percent of GDP earmarked for military spending. Apparently our Polish Air Force to buy from the U.S. AWACS aircraft, it is an open secret, although I love aviation, even though I know I probably will never do a pilot's license, even PPL, I wonder why the f**k we buy AWACS aircraft, as if Poland had no more serious expenses?
Returning to subjects forests and ecology and animal rights, even as the ranger catch the bastard who abandons a pet in the act, or someone who treats the state forest as a free dump. Even the guard stares monetary penalty, such person, such a punishment is rarely paid and are problems with the collection of punishment, and after 5 years in accordance with the Polish law, if there is a court order to pay such penalty is expired.

Sometimes I am ashamed of my behavior countryman's :-)
Me and my mom have to to look after the dog to 8:00 PM now is 11:00 AM (10AM when i started writing this) here my question arises how to care for Labrador dog, it seems that the dog has a depression at the end of her master died, and she vomited on your salon carpet, my mom, had to clean up the mess:( I'm sorry for that old lady she is very good person, and of course for her that poor doggy :(

I may be grateful for All constructive advice.

I apologize in advance for any errors of language, I know the English language, but the text that I write is quite long, and I prefer to think in Polish, for this I use the automatic translator Google.

greetings to all


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19 Jul 2014, 6:02 am

I take my Labrador (3-4 years old) for a long walk each day - about 20-50 minutes depending on the time available (he stops a lot of times to sniff things). I would start with a shorter walk - only 20 minutes - and then see if the dog wants to walk for a longer time.

Make sure your dog has water in a bowl so that she can drink whenever she needs to.

If you have proper dog food, give her the correct amount - usually once in morning and once at evening. We have special dry dog food and give our dog one cup in the morning and one cup at night - but it depends on the type of food and the weight and age of the dog.

Don't feed your dog chocolate or cake or sugary food. Some big bones (like raw cattle bones from a butcher) are OK for the dog to chew on, but not chicken bones or any bones that have been cooked.

A Labrador will like people to play with it and pat it. Labradors like being with people.

Anyway, that's how we look after our dog.


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19 Jul 2014, 11:32 am

They are very loving dogs,and they also like water.They like to fetch,most enjoy having something tossed in the water so they can bring it back to you,it's what they were bred for.Its great fun for them.One thing to watch out if you are in a rural area with poultry,they tend to want to catch a bird and bring to you.The bird is not happy about this and neither is the birds owner.Keep leashed around poultry.

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20 Jul 2014, 2:08 am

I have a question what do you think about people who mistreated animals, I'm a huge animal lover this is for me unacceptable, such "people" do not deserve to be called a human being.

This took care of the dog was abused in the past, but this marriage, these two elderly people, of whom the husband of my neighbor, who left us in the care of the dog when she went a funeral of her husband, they were very kind to animals.
It was obvious that the dog really experiences a separation from owners, she, this was just. And the official dogma of my church (Catholic) argues that animals have no soul, what nonsense, I know that questioning the magisterium of the Catholic Church, committing the sin of which I have a confession at a sacred confession, but I can not agree with this


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20 Jul 2014, 10:42 pm

I don't worry about claims that animals have no soul. St Francis seemed to enjoy animals and he had lots of soul. I don't think he regarded animals as "empty" and soulless.

In any case, why wouldn't a chimpanzee have the same soul as a young child? They have similar mental capabilities.

Mistreating animals is a crime. My feelings about people who mistreat animals are the same as my feelings about other people who commit crimes of cruelty.


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21 Jul 2014, 11:15 am

If a person has a soul I don't see why an animal wouldn't.People who are cruel to animals are just nasty f*ckedup people.I don't get why people deliberately run over snakes in the road,I can understand people being afraid and destroying a venomous one in the yard,but on the road in the middle of nowhere,what is the snake hurting?If I see one on the road and it's safe to pull over,I encourage it to get off the road.Once I loaded up a black snake that was in front of a house,it then got loose and got in the dash of the car 8O It popped out when I got home so I turned it loose in the yard.

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21 Jul 2014, 12:55 pm

A dog with separation anxiety needs to be conditioned to learn that being by itself for a little while is okay. Give the dog something to distract herself with, or get a friend for her to play with. Labradors require a lot of stimulation, and keeping them worn out and entertained is the best way to do it.

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21 Jul 2014, 12:58 pm

I don't think the Church has spoken authoritatively on this. I work at a Catholic TV station and in one of our programs, a priest actually said that for all we on earth know, our pets may be waiting in Heaven for us. :D And it is deeply sinful for someone to abuse an animal by mistreating it or abandoning it. God has given us care of the world. by causing needless suffering, we are not fulfilling that obligation.

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