Yes that is right I am in the midst of a wolf spider invasion, the other day I saw a big one and was able to catch it and put it outside. Yesterday my room got flooded some due to water leaking when window well gets full of water it is a basement room(thought we had issue resolved but guess not) anyways after getting rid of the water and sort of cleaning up some I noticed a towel in the window sill of the leaky window figured I'd move it since it was wet and dripping some on the floor, but when I went to do that got a closer look noticing spider webs of the funnel type, went to move it and two rather large wolf spiders(pretty sure they can get bigger than those ones even) came out sort of on alert so i figured I'd leave it alone for the time being as spiders are less likely to bite if you don't aggravate them....not sure if its just two or if there's another one or more in there. Then today I was looking at my other window sill with the non leaking window that actually opens and there's a little wolf spider with a smaller web.
But yeah I actually like these spiders and don't want to harm them, but not sure I exactly want to be sleeping next to a wolf spider nest even though I've only ever seen them on the floor or now in that spot so pretty sure they aren't going to go out of their way to come crawling on me in my sleep probably more intrested in going on the floor to hunt whatever bugs it is they're finding to eat, my bed is between the two windows....also if there gets to be too many it just wont be good if I knew for sure its just two well I could co-exist I guess but too many spiders is too many a couple to keep the other bugs away though isn't something that bothers me too much though. I mean if it wasn't for the wet towel I wouldn't care so much either, but worried about that growing mold if i don't move it soon as well.
Sort of trying to come up with a way to get them out without hurting them, one idea is catch them if I see them come out of the web onto the floor and put them outside, look up if there are any smells that bother them and might make them want to find a new home....just not really sure though, don't want to use any chemical stuff that would harm cats(and not aiming to kill the spiders) and I certainly don't want to vacuum them. Don't really know how to set spider traps
Does anyone have any ideas?
We won't go back.